The BKL Foundation

As part of our commitment to making a difference, we established The BKL Foundation in 2019. Our volunteer trustees range from partner to apprentice. 

Once audits have been completed after year end, BKL donates 1% of its total profits to the Foundation. As a separate legal entity to BKL, the Foundation has a duty to distribute the proceeds as it sees fit. BKL also matches funds up to £500 raised by BKL employees for charity through sponsorships or events.

The Foundation has primarily, but not exclusively, supported good causes local to our original office in North London. It occasionally donates to UK charities involved in providing overseas aid.

Good causes we’ve supported include:

  • Inkluder
  • SOS Africa
  • Live Unlimited Barnet
  • Homeless Action in Barnet
  • Say It Loud Club
  • Barnet Mencap
  • St Joseph’s Hospice

Examples of our impact

‘All the [care worker graduates supported by the Foundation’s grant] are now very happily employed by local residential homes in the Helderberg Basin. The course has transformed their lives not only terms of finance and expertise but also confidence – they walk through their communities wearing their uniforms with pride. It is a wonderful thing!’ SOS Africa

‘I’d like to express our gratitude for BKL’s support during Barnet Pride [20 August 2023]. The accessibility provisions; the BSL speakers, wheelchair trackway, and sensory area, made a significant difference. Feedback from attendees has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the accessibility.’ Inkluder

‘Your kind and generous donation has enabled us to do further outreach and widen the net around London and its outskirts on our programme to help those with long term health issues and a multitude of disabilities. Your funding helps us run programmes with enables us to run structured exercise sessions which the NHS are not able to provide.’ Fitness Without Boundaries

‘A HUGE thank you to The BKL Foundation for your hugely generous donation of £5.4K to our Driving Ahead scheme, giving 3 Barnet care leavers the game changing opportunity of learning to drive, opening up new employment options and experiences!​​​​​​​’ Live Unlimited Barnet

‘The donation arrived just in time for the Pride in London parade, our community’s largest event.

With this generous donation, we were able to support 45 members with travel expenses, allowing them to attend the Pride parade for the first time in their lives. The experience was transformational for them as they proudly embraced their true identity in public for the first time in their lives.

Additionally, we were able to purchase extra T-shirts with the donation, ensuring that over 200 of our members had Say It Loud Club branded Pride T-shirts to wear and keep.’ Say It Loud Club