Think Big
We are always challenging ourselves to think differently and reimagine what’s possible. This happens when we are open to new ideas: brave in how we suggest them, curious about exploring them and enthusiastic in how we make them work.

Take pride
We work with conviction, seeking to be the best version of ourselves in everything we do. This belief is rooted in the confidence we have in ourselves, our team, our work and our business. We understand and believe that we can all achieve remarkable things.

Do the right thing
We value fairness, honesty and integrity above all else. We speak openly and fairly with each other to build relationships based on trust and respect. We’re accountable for our actions and do what we say we’ll do, even if it’s not easy.

Enjoy it
We bring our whole selves every day – free to express ourselves, our beliefs and share our unique perspective in all that we do. We enjoy our time at work and know it’s also important to enjoy our time at home. We laugh, have fun and make this part of what we’re known for.

In it together
BKL is a business for everyone. We work together and care about each other so that we can all achieve our best. By building a more inclusive culture, we enable innovation and growth. Our choices, decisions and actions have a positive impact on our people, our society and the environment and help create a sustainable business.