01 Sep 2014

MPs unaware of entrepreneur support schemes


A YouGov poll has found ministers had a “surprising lack of knowledge among many about the policies already in place to support entrepreneurs”. Half had not heard of the Growth-Accelerator while the existence of Tech City was unknown to 48%. The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme, Patent Box and Entrepreneurs’ Relief were all unknown to 42% of MPs. Philip Salter, director of The Entrepreneurs Network, commented: “MPs don’t appear adequately informed to vote on future policy changes affecting entrepreneurs.”

Source: The Mail on Sunday

We say: Far be it from us to stick up for MPs – scandals like expense claims are still fresh in the mind – but sometimes you almost feel sorry for them. After all they are expected to be experts on a whole raft of matters ranging from economics, health, education, defence, tax, foreign policy etc and it must be easy to catch anyone out when they’re put on the spot.

Feeling sorry for them only goes so far though and it is worrying that those voting on policy may not know enough about the subject matter on which they’re voting.

The good news is that while only 42% of MPs have heard of SEIS, the patent box regime or entrepreneurs’ relief 100% of partners at BKL are aware of them and we can offer expert advice on these and various other entrepreneur support schemes.