BKL’s Geraint Jones has commented in The Times on how a computer error at HMRC is affecting some people who completed a self-assessment tax return by the 31 January deadline. A number of taxpayers are incorrectly receiving refunds from HMRC of their tax payments on account. Other taxpayers are incorrectly receiving demands for payment.
Geraint said: “HMRC is giving contradictory verbal advice about whether people need to pay or whether they will be charged interest if they don’t. Some advisers have even said won’t collect until next January. I would advise calling HMRC to try to pay it now.”
The article, published in The Times on 2 March, is available by subscription and registration here on The Times website.
We are pleased to help clients who may have received correspondence from HMRC that is causing concern or uncertainty. We are also experienced in dealing with HMRC on behalf of our clients. Our tax teams include experts in personal tax and tax investigations, as well as specialists who have themselves worked for HMRC.
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