30 Nov 2018

Webinar: Budget 2018 Musings

Events & Webinars, Insights

At our webinar on Friday 30 November, we dug into the nooks and crannies of the 2018 Budget, with the entire intellectual weight of the BKL tax consulting team available for incisive comment and a little bit of dry wit.

We set out to boldly explore the Finance Bill like no tax team has done before, with a promise not to mention Brexit (too often).

Our focus was the key changes announced by the Chancellor, including:

  • Changes to Entrepreneurs’ Relief and the impact this may have on alphabet share structures;
  • Revisions to the Main Residence Relief and Rent-A-Room (or not);
  • Extension to the territorial scope of Capital Gains Tax;
  • Enhanced Capital Allowances relief;
  • Modifications to the Substantial Shareholdings and Research & Development tax reliefs.

Also available: webinar slides.

More Budget 2018 coverage from BKL: