06 Jun 2024

Webinar: Tackling the capacity crunch in accountancy

Events & Webinars

Hollie Moore, our Early Careers Manager, business services expert and Silverfin specialist, co-presented a webinar with Silverfin on 6 June.

How can your firm attract, engage, retain and nurture talent?

The answer, of course, is technology.

This webinar explains how to use cloud-based software, AI and other technologies as talent magnets to get through the capacity crunch unscathed.

Hear how Top 50 firm BKL used technology to help them grow and build a strong team, following five mergers that doubled headcount and partner numbers in just two years.


Co-hosting the webinar with Hollie was Cameron Ford, Silverfin’s UK General Manager.


Watch the webinar recording here

Read insights from Hollie on talent, engagement and training in the accountancy sector

Connect with Hollie on LinkedIn