10 Sep 2015

Key ingredients for unlocking potential

BKL in the press, Property

BKL partner Jon Wedge spoke with CLIC (formerly BDLN) for their article 5 young professionals discuss the key ingredients for unlocking potential. He shared hints, tips and opinions on career acceleration.

“I looked for responsibility early on: more complex tasks, exposure to partners more quickly and a faster exposure to clients. Also it led to much better all-round training to get me where I wanted to be – an all-round business consultant and adviser. Not just ‘an auditor’.”

Jon Wedge says that a long-term goal is key but it “has to be broken down in to a lot of shorter steps. Small targets motivate you and will build up momentum to your ultimate goal”.

Jon Wedge adds: “I decided I wanted to be an accountant at a fairly early age – probably in sixth form. I found out about something called the AAT fast-track scheme – this really appealed to me. I liked the idea of joining a firm at an early age and knuckling down into the job to form a solid base of knowledge quickly.”

Technology continues to blur the lines between traditional and new approaches. Jon Wedge says that social media is important. Having an opinion, a point of view and injecting your message with a sense of humour is critical.

The full article is available on the CLIC website.