16 Sep 2015

Suspended sentence for tax fraud by double glazing salesman

BKL in the press, Property

We look at HMRC’s crackdown on double glazing salesman for tax fraud. This article was originally published by World.tax and is also available on their website.


A criminal investigation by HMRC has led to a two year suspended sentence for Anthony Jenkins of Exeter.

During an investigation into Mr Jenkins’s tax affairs it was established that over a 6 year period he received £514,000 in commissions as a double glazing salesman from a National window company.

Mr Jenkins has already repaid £98,618 of the tax debt and was ordered to pay the balance of £12,428 at a rate of £500 per week.

Mr Jenkins was also fined £20,000 which must be paid within 3 months and ordered to pay court costs of £1,000.

Colin Spinks, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigation, HMRC, said:

“Tax fraudsters such as Jenkins think they have an upper-hand over those who pay what is due. He stole from public finances and would have continued his fraud had HMRC not stopped him. Our message is clear – if you don’t pay what you should, we will investigate.”

It is quite clear that HMRC has the resources to undertake criminal investigations based on information they have obtained during the course of their investigations. Therefore if the non-tax paying members of the public think they have got away with it, then they need to think again.

If you need help with any matters concerning unpaid tax, please get in touch.