08 May 2017

Taxation of non-UK domiciles – where are we now?


Finance Bill 2017 proposed some significant changes to the law on domicile – these were summarised in a Briefing we sent last year.

With the need to obtain Royal Assent to the Finance Bill 2017 last week following the surprise announcement of a General Election to be held on 8 June, the Bill was reduced from the original whopping 762 pages (longer, according to the FT, than J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’) to a more manageable 154 pages. Amongst the items removed were those relating to the domicile changes.

Hurrah? Well, not really: the consensus of opinion amongst professional advisers (including us) is that the relevant provisions will almost certainly be enacted in another Finance Act after the election.  What is less certain is whether any reinstated changes will be effective from the dates originally proposed or whether everything will be pushed back a year. We will keep you posted.

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