20 Apr 2013

Fit and forget: EMI and EIS companies


Fit and forget. Sealed for life. Maintenance-free. All great ideas when it comes to motor components and consumer products. But not such a great idea for tax planning.

Let us explain. There are many complex and obscure conditions which need to be fulfilled before relief may be claimed under the Enterprise Investment Scheme (and its little brother Seed EIS) or options may be registered under the Enterprise Management Incentive scheme. And usually all of these conditions will be considered and reviewed carefully and assiduously before the scheme is put into place. But then, all too often, everyone files the paperwork in a drawer and gets on with the next project.

Trouble is, these things are not “maintenance free”. If the reliefs are to be retained, various conditions need to be continuously fulfilled throughout various “qualifying periods”. And it’s all too easy to forget about the requirements and inadvertently blow the relief. To help avoid that we’ve drafted some simple aftercare instructions for EMI and EIS which highlight some of the areas where care should be taken. For more detail, please get in touch with your usual BKL contact or use our enquiry form.