08 Mar 2013

The Olympic legacy


ACCA Central London Annual Dinner 7 March 2013

The theme of the dinner was the legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games and Marjorie, head of our Human Resources team gave a short after-dinner speech about what it was like to be an Olympic Torch bearer.

Marjorie carried the Torch on 25 July 2012 in recognition of her extensive voluntary work for a range of community organisations, as well as her fundraising achievements, including completing nine marathons. Marjorie was especially privileged and humbled to be passed the flame by Gordon Banks (1966 World Cup) outside Wembley Stadium.

Marjorie was nominated by her elder son and described the excitement and nerves beforehand when the organiser reminded the Torch bearers that for their part of the route they were the only person in the world carrying the flame!

Marjorie described how she had been amazed by people’s enthusiasm for the Torch and had felt that everyone, young and old and all cultures were unified by the flame.

This was borne out again at the dinner and almost everyone wanted a photo with the Torch!