20 Dec 2012

Centrepoint and Great Ormond Street Hospital


A time for giving… a time for getting

Always keen to get involved with charitable endeavours, in December 2012 the staff at BKL opted to forego the usual firm wide “Secret Santa” and instead donated the funds to buy gifts for Centrepoint a great little charity that works directly with homeless young people to get them back into homes, jobs or education.

So, instead of buying a joke calendar or a box of soaps for a team member to open, laugh, then put in a drawer, we chose a gift and gave it to someone who may not otherwise receive anything on Christmas Day.  What an amazing way to spend £5 of our hard-earned cash.

A time for giving... a time for getting

Monica Liljeroth, our financial controller, with
two of the delighted staff at Centrepoint

In addition, the practice once again opted to help the environment and support the Great Ormond Street Hospital by sending our Christmas wishes by way of E-card, and donating the cost saving to this great charity.

Christmas is indeed a time for giving, and in this instance, a time for getting a warm fuzzy glow from doing something good for the community and for those who need it more than we do.