30 Nov 2012

Thomas Pocklington Trust


Team Away Day

On a rainy Friday in November 2012 a brave team from BKL put their DIY skills to the test in creating three raised flower beds to form part of a sensory garden for the residents of Pocklington House at the Thomas Pocklington Trust.  The Trust does some fantastic work to offer people who are blind or partially-sighted, the support they need to lead an independent life, based on their individual requirements.  Our brief was to build a sensory garden for the Trust and here is what we got up to!

Thomas Pocklington Trust - Team Away Day
Thomas Pocklington Trust - Team Away Day

We spent a day, planning,measuring, cutting, and constructing, using a variety of woodwork expertise, and by the end, the beds were filled and left standing tall on the terrace outside one of the residents’ sitting rooms.

The raised flower beds offer an assortment flowers, colours and smells to be enjoyed by the residents and visitors at the centre in the months ahead, until we head back in the New Year to develop and cultivate a little more!

Thomas Pocklington Trust - Team Away Day Thomas Pocklington Trust - Team Away Day

Tom James of Three Hands who planned and facilitated this day (and a number of previous teambuilding days for us), commented as follows on our gardening skills…

“Yet again the BKL Team delivered. Not only did they construct raised beds without any instruction, it rained pretty much all day and they had to transport all the top soil from one end of the Centre to the other.  None of this deterred them – the volunteers worked tirelessly to complete the job and left the residents with some lovely new raised beds to enjoy.”

All in all, the day was great fun. Full of team work, a lot of mud, and more determination than you could shake a stick at…and there was nothing the rain could do about it!

Thomas Pocklington Trust - Team Away Day Thomas Pocklington Trust - Team Away Day