27 Apr 2018

We’re supporting Mind in 2018/19


The opportunity to make a difference is important to us – not just as a business but as a group of people. Supporting charitable causes has always been a big part of that.

Each year, our team nominate and vote for a charity. By focusing on supporting this charity throughout the year, we get to know what they do and are inspired by their life-changing (and often life-saving) work.

We’re delighted to announce that for 2018/19, the charity we’ve chosen is Mind, the leading mental health charity in England and Wales.

For anyone experiencing a mental health problem – one in four people each year – Mind provides advice and support. It campaigns to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding, and provide support directly to those who need it most.

We will be supporting Mind through a range of activities, from physical challenges to cake sales. For any personal fundraising events our staff do, BKL will top up the money they raise from their sponsors.

Working together with Mind enables us to make wellbeing within BKL stronger than ever. We are pleased that Mind will be making a difference to us as we are doing the same for them.

We are excited to have this common cause across the firm, especially one that will benefit many of us personally.

Find out more about CSR & wellbeing at BKL and how we support the environment, our team and our community.