17 Jul 2018

Property Taxation 2018-19


Geraint Jones, private client tax partner at BKL, is a co-author of Tolley’s Property Taxation 2018-19, published in July 2018 by LexisNexis. It covers proposed taxes on property and how these taxes can interact, as well as promising authoritative answers to property tax queries. Geraint wrote a chapter covering overseas investors.

Tolley’s Property Taxation 2018-19 is available to buy on the LexisNexis website.

Our tax technical consultant David Whiscombe has also been involved in the writing of a specialist taxation book this year. Find out more here.

Geraint will be speaking at our private client seminar in September: more details available here.

For more information about how our tax specialists can help you, please contact us using our enquiry form.