23 Dec 2019

BKL’s Jon Wedge ranked in top 3 of Accountancy Age 35 Under 35 for 2019


We’re delighted that BKL partner Jon Wedge has been ranked third in the Accountancy Age 35 Under 35 this year.

This marks a return for Jon, who was first featured in the 35 Under 35 in 2015.

The 35 Under 35 rankings ‘seek to highlight the rising stars of the accountancy profession, featuring those who have made great professional contributions to the field and their individual firms.’

Jon Wedge joined BKL as our first non-graduate trainee; aged 29, he became the firm’s youngest partner and later Head of Audit & Assurance. While leading an audit team of 35, he has grown his portfolio 26% over the previous year, showcasing his expertise in fintech businesses and payment services.

This year, Jon spearheaded a collaboration with BitPay that made BKL the first midsized UK accounting firm to accept fee payments in Bitcoin, helping to make us cryptocurrency pioneers. Jon continually passes on his knowledge and experience through roundtable discussions, articles and dialogue-driven meetings, and is esteemed as a leader both within BKL and outside it.

Jon says: “I’m really proud to have made the top 3 of this year’s Accountancy Age 35 Under 35, the second time I have made the list.

Huge thanks to everyone at BKL as I wouldn’t have got where I am without the help and support of you all.”

We congratulate Jon on this superb recognition of his personal drive and achievements, his strong relationships with clients and the respect and enthusiasm he fosters among colleagues.

The full rankings for the Accountancy Age 35 Under 35 are available here.