02 Apr 2020

Schemes scamming returning NHS workers


Incredibly (or perhaps predictably, depending on your view of human nature), some promoters of tax schemes are seeking to take advantage of the current position by hawking dodgy tax schemes at returning NHS workers.  These schemes are essentially variants on the discredited arrangements that have sucked in many victims over the past couple of decades and which eventually gave rise to the retrospective “loan charge” that has caused distress to many (and which we commented on here following its independent review).

HMRC are sufficiently concerned at the development that they have posted a warning on their website. It details what these tax avoidance schemes look like and what to do if you think you’re already using this type of scheme.

Obviously, our advice is to steer well clear of arrangements of this kind.  They don’t work and their promotion, especially at this time and to these workers, is reprehensible.

If you are a returning NHS worker and you have any doubts about any tax planning arrangement that is now being offered to you, please get in touch and we will be happy to advise, and furthermore to do so without charge:  it’s the very least we can do to help.

We advise everyone to be extra vigilant for scam emails and scam phone calls asking for personal and financial information. Also be mindful of any attachments you may get. If they are not from a legitimate source then they could contain malware or spyware, which would allow hackers access to your computer.

If you are unsure whether something you have received is legitimate, there is a helpful scam checker on the Citizens Advice website.

For further guidance, we have a range of information available via our website’s dedicated coronavirus page.

Above all, stay safe and stay well.