19 Oct 2020

Regulation of international firms in the UK: FCA consultation


Ahead of the end of the UK’s Brexit transition period, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is running a consultation on how it authorises and supervises international firms operating in the UK.

The consultation (CP20/20), which is due to end on 27 November 2020, has relevance for:

  • EEA firms that intend to seek authorisation in the UK in the future. This includes the 1,500+ firms registered in the Temporary Permissions Regime
  • Firms from non-EEA countries that have applied for authorisation in the UK, or have already been given such authorisation
  • Firms from non-EEA countries that plan to apply for authorisation in the UK

The FCA will use the consultation responses as the basis for its final statement on its approach to international firms.

The consultation paper and online response form are available on the FCA website.

For assistance with FCA regulations and authorisation for your business, our financial services specialists can help. Please get in touch using our enquiry form.