01 Dec 2020

Webinar: Turning insight into foresight

Events & Webinars

The government’s recently extended coronavirus support schemes, and the likelihood of restrictions continuing into 2021, show how vital it is for businesses to plan for ongoing uncertainty.

If you’re guiding a business through these challenging times while looking to grow, a flexible business plan and detailed forecasts are key to helping you anticipate and react to the challenges.

At our webinar on Tuesday 1 December, our specialists shared their experience in helping a range of businesses to gain insight and grow. They discussed:

  • Using a business model to assess where your business is and explore where you want to take it
  • Developing a business plan that incorporates a fully integrated budget and cashflow forecast

The slides from the webinar are available here.

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions during the webinar. For any questions that we didn’t cover, you’re welcome to get in touch using our enquiry form. We’d be pleased to help.

Our YouTube channel has recordings of our previous webinars.

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