02 Feb 2021

Webinar: Selling Your Business in 2021

Events & Webinars

Despite the continuing challenges of living and working in a pandemic, many business owners are looking to the future. This may include exploring opportunities to sell their business.

Our webinar on 2 February brought together two specialists in business transactions:

The slides from the webinar are available here.

Combining their accounting and legal expertise, and their decades of experience in helping businesses to sell, Daniel and Richard provided guidance on:

  • Current transactions and tax landscape
  • Finding a buyer
  • Business valuations during the pandemic
  • Fast tracking a transaction to complete during the lockdown:
    • The process
    • Due diligence and being prepared
    • Pitfalls and obstacles to overcome in completing a transaction and how to do that

Registration for this webinar was via VWV. If you indicated on the registration form that you heard about the webinar through BKL, VWV will share your information with us and will not store it following the webinar.