23 Jul 2021

Our Certified B Corporation application


In developing BKL’s approach to good business, we’re excited to have submitted our application to become a Certified B Corporation.

Certified B Corporations (B Corps) are a worldwide community of diverse businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Lab, a US-based not-for-profit, provides this certification. The B stands for Benefit for all.

The B Corp application process enables businesses to assess their impact on their people, clients, communities and the environment in detail. Working on this has been a positive experience in itself, helping us to better understand our ESG (environmental, social and governance) responsibilities and exploring how we can turn ambition into action together.

We look forward to continuing BKL’s B Corp journey and building a responsible, sustainable and accountable business.

Update: In September 2022, we achieved B Corp certification. Find out more here.