05 Jul 2023

Webinar: Property VAT and CIS for investors

Events & Webinars

If you have plans to invest in UK property or construction projects, it’s important to be aware of the tax issues you may face. For investors based outside the UK, these issues can be even more complex – in particular, VAT and the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).

At our webinar on Wednesday 5 July, our experts in property, VAT and inward investment discussed the factors you need to consider and how BKL can help.

Our topics included

  • VAT and property purchases: differences between commercial and residential
  • VAT rates and reclaims
  • Planning permissions: why they matter
  • VAT and property development
  • CIS and property investment

Your hosts

  • Jason Appel, Head of Property and Construction
  • Simon Levine, Senior Property VAT Adviser
  • Petra Deters, Head of German Inward Investment

Read the webinar slides here

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions during the webinar. For any questions that we didn’t cover, you’re welcome to get in touch using our enquiry form. We’d be pleased to help.

Our YouTube channel has recordings of our previous webinars and our Talking Tax videos.

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