27 Apr 2023

Alternative Accountancy Management Summit 2023

Events & Webinars

Lee Brook, BKL’s CEO, was a keynote speaker at The Alternative Accountancy Management Summit on 26-27 April 2023.

Alternative Events organised the summit, which was designed for managing partners, senior partners, MDs and CEOs of accountancy practices. The agenda focused on helping leaders develop and take action on purpose within their firms, grow their leadership skills and attract and retain talented people.

Lee drives all aspects of BKL’s growth strategy: as a diverse and inclusive workplace, in developing client services and in making innovative use of technology. Under Lee’s leadership, BKL appointed its first Chief Digital Officer, Marketing & Business Development Director and People (HR) Director.

On Day One, Lee was part of the Managing Partner ‘Show & Tell’, discussing how BKL is meeting the challenges and opportunities facing the firm and the profession. Lee’s talk was titled Moving IT from a cost to a profit centre.

Later in Day One, Lee chaired a roundtable titled Purpose: what’s the point?. This explored the intersection of purpose and culture and how this impacts recruitment and retention strategies. With 26 April being Better Business Day, organised by the Better Business Act (which BKL supports), the timing was ideal.

Day Two of the summit was shared with Day One of The Alternative Accountancy Strategic IT Conference where our Chief Digital Officer Duncan Hardy was a keynote speaker.