21 Feb 2023

Breakfast seminar: A 2023 Worldview with Dennis Snower

Events & Webinars

We were pleased to welcome leading economist Dennis Snower as our guest speaker on 21 February, when we hosted a breakfast seminar at our office in association with over-50s network Circle Square.

Our topic

2023 is already looking challenging, with intersecting crises such as the war in Ukraine, cost of living, inflation, the transition to renewable energy and the role of China. Against this backdrop, making economic predictions is not for the faint-hearted.

Dennis Snower shared his expert outlook for the world in 2023 and what it means for economics, government and society.

About our guest speaker

Dennis J. Snower is President of the Global Solutions Initiative, which provides policy advice to the G20. He is Professor of Macroeconomics and Sustainability at the Hertie School in Berlin and has fellowships at institutions across Germany and the UK.

Dennis is an expert on labour economics, public policy and inflation-unemployment trade-offs. He has published extensively on employment policy, welfare systems, and monetary policy, as well as advising a variety of organisations and governments.

About Circle Square

Founded in 2018, Circle Square is a network for people over 50. It endeavours to make a positive impact, inspire ambition and help people to thrive during their best years.