14 Apr 2015

Manifesto time

BKL Briefing, Publications

Both major parties have now published their detailed manifestos for the General Election.  Clients may be interested in some of the key tax and economic points of each:

Labour (see their manifesto here) is committed to:

  • Increasing Income Tax to 50% on incomes over £150,000
  • Re-introducing a 10% starting rate of Income Tax
  • Keeping other rates of Income Tax, NIC and VAT unaltered
  • Introducing a “Mansion Tax” on houses worth over £2m
  • Abolishing non-domiciled tax status
  • Restricting tax relief on pension contributions
  • Attacking “disguised employment”
  • Increasing HMRC powers
  • Increasing penalties for evasion
  • Increasing National Minimum Wage to £8 per hour by October 2019
  • Increasing security of private tenants with guaranteed 3-year tenancies and capped rent rises
  • Promoting the building of at least 200,000 homes a year by 2020
  • Abolishing “zero-hour” contracts.

The Conservatives (see their manifesto here) promise:

  • No rise in any rates of Income Tax, NIC or VAT
  • Increasing the threshold for payment of the 40% Income Tax rate to £50,000
  • Increasing Personal Allowance to £12,500 and in future increasing it in line with increases in the National Minimum Wage
  • Introducing an extra IHT allowance of £175,000 per person available only against the family home, so bringing a couple’s IHT nil rate band up to £1m
  • Increasing the “Remittance Basis User Charge” for people domiciled outside the UK
  • Reducing tax relief for pension contributions for taxpayers with income over £150,000
  • Maintaining the “most competitive business tax regime in the G20”
  • Giving employees of “large employers” and the public sector a right to three days per year paid leave for voluntary work
  • 200,000 Starter Homes by 2020 (to be available to under 40s, at 20% off market value).