15 May 2014

Taking Stock: Breaking the ice with Icebreaker

BKL in the press, Insights, Publications

Accountancy Age was kind enough to mention BKL and ‘Dave Whiscombe’ in its Taking Stock column this month.


TS LIKES NOTHING BETTER than a nice lunch with good company, and so we wasted no time in accepting an invitation last week from the lovely people over at Berg Kaprow Lewis.

And so, as we are wont to do, happily chewing the fact (both literally and figuratively – Ed), TS was delighted when BKL’s tax partner Dave Whiscombe noted the venue was offering pints of Icebreaker beer.

TS is unaware of the full extent of Gary Barlow’s (pictured) investment portfolio, but it seemed churlish to turn down the chance to get a taste of the tax avoidance action.

As it turns out, it’s hoppy.

If only Gary had mentioned it more prominently at some point – TS would have been all over it much sooner. Everyone else, it seems, will have to have a little patience.


The article is also available on the Accountancy Age website.