03 Dec 2014

The Life and Times of a Contractors’ Accountant


I’m sure that it comes as no surprise to you when I  “fess up” and admit that we beancounters have an image problem.

People probably think that we have no lives of any real meaning outside the office, and in many cases that’s probably true.  I however lead a rich and fulfilling existence where every day is a journey of discovery, or at least a voyage into the unknown.

This last week has been a little quieter than normal “chez moi”, largely due to the home phone line being out of action, which in turn took down our internet.

Now normally this would not be a big deal and even has some advantages e.g. no calls telling me how much I can claim for that recent accident about which I have no recollection—maybe I fell and hit my head, which would explain it. However, in our home having no internet is a problem which has to be handled with extreme caution when dealing with my 26- and 24-year-old children. You need less protection to nurse an Ebola patient.

Now when I were a wee lad, we didn’t have this kind of problem: if you wanted a mobile phone then you just bought a really long extension lead. These days, of course, we take our technology for granted, and for the kids, not having an internet connection is a very Big Deal—no endless hours of online football games for my son and, for my daughter,  no streaming brain-rotting TV programmes about vacuous celebrities who could not carry on a conversation if the word “like “ was banned.

And as for yours truly—the unkindest cut of all: no remote login to the office which meant having to deal with all emails back at the ranch or making do with my trusty Iphone.

Of course, ringing home on Monday and realising that the answering machine was picking up meant that BT had finally fixed the problem, so a cause for much celebration by the kids and reduced blood pressure for me.

Too bad the junk calls will start again. But at least I can take comfort that my home is, once again, an extension of my office.

Anyone for a PPI claim?

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