02 Jun 2014

World Cup to Boost Economy by £2bn


England’s participation in the World Cup in Brazil is expected to give the economy a £2bn boost. According to the British Retail Consortium (BRC) the biggest winners will be pubs and bars showing matches on big screens and supermarkets catering for those watching at home.

TV retailers are also set to be buoyed, with fans purchasing large flat screens to watch games. A spokesperson for the BRC said: “Celebrations can really add to the economy and this year’s World Cup could provide a £2bn boost to retail sales.”

The 2010 World Cup in South Africa saw some £1bn extra pumped into the UK economy.

Source: Sunday Express

We Say: It will certainly boost the local UK economy in at least one respect: some of us are going away for the weekend to get away from it. Here’s a sobering thought for anyone who can remember 1966 (for which England’s winning squad picked up a win bonus of a princely £1,000 per man): Martin Peters is now a footballer 38 years behind his time… 

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