Jayesh Topiwala

Senior Manager, Accounts

Approachable and supportive adviser for growing businesses

Jayesh understands the value of listening: building an understanding of clients and their business ambitions; using these insights and his experience to offer guidance.

Through this approach, a diverse range of clients – and colleagues – see Jayesh as a source of trusted, friendly guidance.

Jayesh’s specialisms include advice for:

  • Startups
  • Established businesses looking to diversify and form new companies
  • Property investors

With over 20 years’ experience at BKL, Jayesh has built close relationships across the firm. This includes helping to ensure that clients have access to a full range of personal finance guidance, including wealth management and mortgage advice.

Jayesh’s long-term dedication carries across to his hobbies. As well as stamps and coins, he has been collecting die cast toys since childhood.

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