Tyler Jeffs

Assistant Manager, Charity and Not-For-Profit

Expert in audits and all-round support for charities and NFPs

Tyler specialises in providing advice and support to academies, charities and not-for-profit entities (NFPs) of all sizes.

He has experience of working with organisations that range from small grant-giving charities to some of the UK’s largest multi academy trusts (MATs).

With in-depth knowledge of the Charities SORP, Academy Trust Handbook and Academies Accounts Direction, Tyler has the expertise to be a key point of contact for complete technical support.

Tyler is dedicated to consistently adding value across all areas of work, taking the experience from being purely statutory to something that gives insight and meaning.

First-hand trustee experience

Beyond supporting clients, Tyler is highly involved in the charity and NFP sector in personal roles. He plays active parts in the Scout Association and the Royal British Legion; he also sits as a trustee of three charities and is the Chair of Operations (Audit and Risk) for a four-school MAT based in Twickenham. This experience gives him first-hand insight that in turn benefits BKL’s clients.

Tyler is also chair of The BKL Foundation, working with the other trustees to allocate a percentage of BKL’s profits to good causes locally, nationally and internationally.

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