Provide Grant Funders with Expert Independent Verification
Has your organisation been awarded funding for a project? Most grant funders, such as Horizon 2020, FP7 and Innovate UK, require beneficiaries to report to them periodically on expenditures.
This spending often needs verifying by an independent external auditor, who confirms to the funder that the expenditure was spent in line with the grant conditions. This verification is typically reported in an official format prescribed by the funder.
The frequency of these reports can vary. In some cases, it is when a certain threshold of expenditure is reached (e.g. €375,000 on EU FP7 projects). In others, it can simply be at the finalisation of the project.
We plan our grant audits methodically. We’ll provide you in advance with a clear list of the information we require. We are happy to carry out the work wherever suits you better: onsite at your offices or remotely from ours. Our work always undergoes a thorough internal review before the report is issued.
We keep you up-to-date with a ‘live’ list of queries throughout the process, which usually takes 1-2 weeks.
For more information or help from one of our audit specialists, please contact us using our enquiry form below.