26 Jan 2015

BKL on Video

Blog, Publications

January 18th saw the passing of Tony Verna. A television director in the USA, is name may be unfamiliar but his most famous achievement will be: in 1963, he was responsible for the first instant replay. Despite the limited video technology available, innovation triumphed. The TV executive who hired Mr Verna told him afterwards that “what you have done here will have far-reaching implications. We can’t begin to imagine them today.” (Source: The Times) Tony Verna saw the world develop into a place where many can’t begin to imagine life without instantly controllable videos.

While we can’t claim to be as pioneering as Tony Verna, we have followed his example in exploring the potential of video. And we’ve had fun doing this too.

For a start, there are our Team Q&A videos. Filmed within the past year, they are an opportunity to see and hear staff from all levels giving their personal insights into what it’s like to work at BKL. You can find these on our YouTube channel.

Most recently, we’ve been getting animated. That is to say, we’ve added an animation to our website that shows how we can help our clients to simplify the running of their business in under two minutes. (The video’s under two minutes; we offer longer-term help than that.) Titled ‘It’s not easy running a business’, it can be found easily enough right here.

Finally, late January is the anniversary of ‘Doing Taxes to Skrillex’. This is the comedy music video showing an accountant at work to a soundtrack of the song ‘Bangarang’ by Skrillex. The office, the accountant and the biscuits were all real and all ours – actually, we’re not certain about the biscuits – and the video was released in time for the 2012-13 tax return filing deadline. You can read how well Doing Taxes to Skrillex was received here, and watch it for yourself below.

If you haven’t seen these videos, we hope you’ll play them and enjoy them. If you have already seen them, we hope that you’ll award them replay value, if not instant replay value.