07 Sep 2017

Good cheer at Childerley

Events & Webinars

To celebrate BKL in Cambridge, we were delighted to get together with our clients and professional contacts on 6 September. In the stunning grounds of Childerley, 112 of our guests mingled on the lawn, enjoying live music from The Jazz Duo and (luckily) dry weather.

It was a great chance to showcase some of our fabulous local clients themselves. The Cambridge Dining Company provided champagne, accompanied by a range of delicious canapés from SmokeWorks. The Pint Shop added to the glass-half-full options with three locally brewed beers and ales.

There was entertainment in the form of croquet on the lawn and fly fishing demonstrations with Neil Taylor at the pond. Myfanwy Neville tried her hand at it and managed to catch a few people with the end whilst flicking the line backwards – not BKL’s usual way of engaging with clients. Small prizes were awarded to those who were a little more successful at getting it on target.

The evening included a few words from Richard Crane. He extended BKL’s gratitude to all our guests for their continued support, and looked forward to our bright future together. We hope that everyone we hosted at Childerley will be able to spread the word about BKL, building on the enjoyable evening we shared.

We are always available to help our clients and contacts in Cambridge and beyond. You’re welcome to drop us a line any time – though it may not reach if it’s a fishing line.