10 Nov 2021

Our Inclusive Employers Standard submission


As part of our dedication to being a business that grows through its inclusion and diversity, we’re pleased to have completed a new submission for the Inclusive Employers Standard (IES).

The IES is an accreditation tool from Inclusive Employers. In assessing employment activity across a range of areas, the IES is designed to help in guiding inclusion and diversity strategy, in measuring and improving on progress and in identifying and celebrating success.

BKL has been working with Inclusive Employers since 2019, when we achieved our ‘Committed to Inclusion’ IES accreditation. Since then, we’ve invested in unconscious bias and other inclusion-related insight for everyone, as well as an inclusion programme for our partners.

Having overcome the workplace disruption of 2020, and in recognition of our achievements, we were keen to pursue higher IES accreditation with a fresh submission this year.

Wendy Harpur, our People Director, led our IES submission with input from MOSAIC, our internal group for inclusion, wellbeing and sustainability. (It’s short for Multicultural Organisation Supporting An Inclusive Culture.) Wendy says:

“Our MOSAIC team have worked so hard during the past 18 months to bring our business and inclusion strategies to life. Inclusion is everyone’s business at BKL so thank you to all those who have been involved.

Our Inclusive Employers Standard submission contained hundreds of snapshots, documents and analyses showing proof of progress towards our strategic objectives.

It’s a waiting game now to find out which level of accreditation we’ll achieve. However, our work continues apace which is great because it’s also fun.”

The more diverse and inclusive we are, the better we become. We’re proud to be working with Inclusive Employers to make sure that whatever our people’s backgrounds, they feel a sense of belonging and a desire to get involved in life at BKL.

Find out more about inclusion and diversity at BKL