Smart finance, sure future

How to secure your journey to success


Jon Wedge – Head of Financial Services

In 2023 the UK received more investment in fintech than the next 28 European countries combined. Working with new and established fintechs at BKL, we’ve seen how this is helping to energise the sector. This extends beyond London as a traditional powerhouse for financial services. A third of UK fintechs are outside the capital, with high-growth clusters in Birmingham, Manchester & Leeds, and Edinburgh & Glasgow.

Wherever you’re growing your business, BKL can help you solve the problems that may be holding you back. Do you know what documents to file and when? Will your budgeting and cashflow management enable you to run a business that stays efficient as it grows?

And it’s not just about being financially smart. Software, cybersecurity and environmental impact are other things that growing businesses should continually think about. Plus the specific challenges for financial services businesses, from FCA regulations and tax planning & reliefs to the investment landscape.

Understanding all these challenges will help you keep your ambitions on track, and grow with confidence in your business’s future.

On this page, you’ll get insights into the factors you should be considering, hear from our fintech specialists and other business experts for an extensive view, and learn how we can help.


Fintechs have an annualised growth rate of 16%, compared to 1.3% annualised growth for SMEs over the past 10 years. By choosing to build a fintech business, you’re on a path with global potential.

From regular compliance to a senior-level sounding board, our team will become an extension of yours – getting you where you want to go. You’ll get more time, less stress and more certainty of success



Are your accounting foundations in place?
Do you have the tech you need?
Is your data safe?
Do you understand the regulations?
Are you financially savvy?

Discover More

Growth phase

Are you expanding to or from the UK?
Are you growing sustainably?
…And is sustainability built into your strategy?
Have you considered tax planning and reliefs?
Are you managing risk?
Are you ready for investment?

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Sale and M&A

Do you know how to approach an IPO?
Are you managing your relationships?
Are you looking to sell your business?
Are you looking to buy another business?

Discover More

New podcast:

Our voice of fintech Jon Wedge meets The Voice of Global Fintech Innovate Finance!

As our Head of Financial Services, Jon’s seen the UK’s fintech sector grow, challenging tradition in the FS industry. In the latest episode of the Coffee with Innovate Finance podcast, Jon discusses inspirational fintechs, planning for the future and how he and BKL’s specialists help fintechs.

Listen to the podcast here on Spotify. There’s a preview below:


On 27 June we hosted a breakfast roundtable with Innovate Finance in London. We covered investing and funding, regulation and compliance, alternative assets and financial inclusion and the founder journey.

We’re pleased to share our key observations and tips for fintechs and other companies who want to ensure a bright future is a secure future.

Key takeaways

Fill in the form below to read our key takeaways from the roundtable.

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Our services

Audit & Accounts

Tax Compliance & Relief

Tax Structuring and Planning

Deal ready transaction support

Payroll and Pension schemes

Outsourced CFO

‘We have been really impressed with the agile, quick and knowledgeable BKL team. They take the challenges in their stride and worked collaboratively to solve them.’

Stuart Dabb, VP of Finance, Railsr

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