05 Mar 2025

Video: Getting your academy trust’s trial balance ready for audit


Our academies and schools specialists explain what academy trusts should remember when preparing the trial balance for audit and how BKL can help.

Carly Pinkus (Director) and Lisa Durst (Senior Manager) take you through:


  • Key pointers – timeline, year-end adjustments and accounts preparation
  • Depreciation adjustments – ensuring these are posted at year-end if they haven’t been posted monthly
  • Capital additions – understanding how and when to capitalise items on the fixed asset register
  • Capital income – how to treat it: matching with expenditure, deferring or accruing?
  • CIF funding income – the right way to recognise income from the Condition Improvement Fund and other capital grants
  • How BKL can help – our free helpline for academy and school clients, and our full range of services for the education sector

Get in touch today for a chat about how we can help your academy trust.

A visual description of this video: The video features two women having a conversation in BKL’s North London office. Carly is wearing a brown top and brown trousers. Lisa is wearing a black top and black trousers. Their chairs are yellow and blue; the carpet is grey. Behind Carly and Lisa are bookcases.