09 Jan 2015

CBI accused of not representing SMEs on Europe


Labour has claimed business leaders feel unable to speak out in favour of Britain remaining in the European Union following pressure from the Conservatives. MPs Owen Paterson and Dominic Raab have suggested the CBI, which supports EU membership, is not representing the true voice of business, including many small firms. Mr Raab said the CBI “has allowed itself to become a stooge for the unblinking, unthinking, pro-EU view put up by the elite – which is not reflective of small business in this country.”

Source: The Independent

Shock! Horror! CBI dominated by big business and does not represent SMEs? No ****, Sherlock. Talking of **** we have also heard rumours (yet to be confirmed) that some ursine behaviour eschews modern conveniences and tends to sylvan defecation. Disgraceful: next thing, people will be suggesting that the Holy Father is showing tendencies to Catholicism.