17 Jan 2020

Strategic Changes to Capital Taxes: join us for our seminar

Events & Webinars

Featuring a special opportunity to hear Bill Dodwell, the Tax Director of the Office of Tax Simplification

There is great economic uncertainty as we enter the transition period for the UK’s departure from the EU; the new Government, in its forthcoming Budget, will be seeking to fund the expenditure promises made during the General Election campaign. Where will the burden of the inevitable tax increases fall?

Pledges have been made to freeze the rates of Income Tax, National Insurance Contributions and VAT so the spotlight must surely fall on taxes on capital – Capital Gains Tax and Inheritance Tax (IHT).

To consider the threats on the capital taxes horizon – and any opportunities which may arise – we’re pleased to be hosting a highly topical seminar in association with the CLA (Country Land and Business Association) on 18 February at Cambridge’s Granta Centre.

Relevance for farmers and landowners

The values of landed assets have increased significantly in recent years but are now threatened by a reduction in farm incomes following the expected removal of Government financial support for food production on the passage of the Agriculture Bill into legislation. With future public funding being restricted to environmental schemes, will managing land to receive “public money for public goods” still qualify as farming in the context of the available tax reliefs?

The prospect of increases to capital taxes in addition to these changes is a cause of concern to many rural landowners. We will explore these concerns at our seminar.

Speakers from BKL, the OTS and the CLA

We are delighted that Bill Dodwell, the Tax Director of the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) will be the keynote speaker. During 2019, the OTS produced two reports recommending numerous changes to IHT. The opportunity to hear about these recommendations “from the horse’s mouth” and to ask questions as to how farms and landed estates may be affected is not to be missed.

Our BKL speakers, who advise on a number of strategies to counter the tax and other changes which face rural businesses, will include:

We shall also be hearing from Camilla James, a member of the CLA’s in-house team of tax advisers, on how the CLA expects future changes to capital taxes to affect its members.

BKL’s Farms & Estates team, based in our Cambridge office, provides advice to clients over a very wide area of the country. We have enjoyed considerable success in helping some large landed estates, family farms and other rural businesses, as well as other wealthy families with property investments.

Whichever of these groups you’re in, this seminar will help you develop your family’s capital taxes strategies for the years ahead.

The seminar will be followed by a light lunch and an opportunity for discussions with the speakers and other members of the BKL team.

Tuesday 18 February, 9:30am – 12:00pm

The Granta Centre,  Great Abington,  Cambridge,  CB21 6AL

Price (including VAT): £30

Book your place here.

For more information, please get in touch using our enquiry form.