10 Jan 2013

Cash for councils

Property, Publications

‘Nick Boles, the Planning Minister, will announce today that councils will be offered cash incentives to allow more homes to be built in their areas, as part of the government’s drive to tackle the housing crisis.

Parish and town councils that draw up development plans and win the backing of a local referendum will receive 25% of the community levy from the schemes, instead of the current 15%. Mr Boles will also say that all councils must immediately set out plans for how sufficient homes will be built in their locality over the next five years.

In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Mr Boles says he believes that it is immoral that young people are being priced out of the housing market because of a lack of cheap homes.

He also warns grandparents that they face spending their retirement “propping up their kids and grandkids” unless they agree to support new development that would make housing more affordable.

Critics of the plan have accused the government of bribing councils into building more homes.’

Source: The Daily Telegraph