30 May 2014

ONS Calculates Drugs and Prostitution Contributions


New data from the ONS shows that prostitution and drug dealing contribute roughly the same amount to the economy as farming, and only slightly less than book and newspaper publishers added together.

The illegal activities combined boosted the economy by £9.7bn (0.7% of GDP) in 2009, according to the ONS’s first official estimate, whilst in every year between 1997 and 2009 prostitution and illegal drugs boosted the economy by between £7bn and £11bn.

Source: The Guardian The Independent Daily Mirror Daily Express

We Say: Actually, prostitution isn’t illegal. For this and other fascinating information about tax and the sex industry we recommend www.taxrelief4escorts.co.uk/ , a site which we came across the other day in the course of our researches. No, don’t ask. 

For more information, please contact London Accountants Berg Kaprow Lewis.