David Simpson

Partner, International Tax

Enthusiastic and pragmatic tax adviser to people and businesses

David is a reliable sounding board for any tax issues that businesses and individuals may be facing, especially international and shareholder tax.

He enjoys working with business owners, and other tax and finance professionals, to help them achieve their objectives in a tax-efficient way while minimising the distraction from the day-to-day commercial activity.

Tax consultancy projects where David has been closely involved have included:

  • Obtaining clearance for a cash extraction on a partial exit
  • Restructuring and facilitating a debt refinancing
  • Corporate demerger of a property business
  • Share disposals, including review of the legal documentation (and presale structuring)
  • EMI schemes
  • IHT and CGT planning for a landed estate

Sharing his tax expertise beyond BKL, David represents BKL internationally in our accountancy network DFK.

Watch David in our video exploring diversity & inclusion at BKL


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